Submission Instructions

All submissions must be in final form and ready for publication in the Abstract Book.

Your submission will NOT be reviewed for typos or other errors.

Check your work carefully as no changes are allowed after the submission deadline.


Do not enter the title in all capital or all lowercase letters.

Title case is the preferred format.


The abstract must be a single paragraph not exceeding 250 words.

Multiple paragraphs will be merged into a single paragraph.

Line breaks, tabs and multiple spaces will be replaced with single space.

Formatting, such as italic and bold, is not supported.

Abstracts must be new and may not have been previously presented.


The first author will be listed in the published program as the speaker.

Middle name or initials should be entered in the First Name field.

Do not enter names in all capital or all lowercase letters.

For Affiliation #s, enter the appropriate number, or numbers, next to each speaker to indicate which schools or universities the author is affiliated with.

When entering affiliation numbers, use the format 1,2,3 with no spaces.


Enter each school or university name only once. Then associate affiliations with a speaker using the Affiliation #s box.

Do not enter addresses or department names; they will be removed.

Do not enter affiliations in all capital or all lowercase letters.

Authors and affiliations will be published in this format:
Joe Smith1, Jane Jones1,2; 1Stanford University, 2UCLA


The optional Notes field can be used to provide special instructions on the handling of your submission. Notes are not published.