

The 12th IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health Conference will be held in Brazil in 2020. Further details will be available early 2019.



The city of Boston is honored and delighted to host the 11th IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health international conference with the theme “Prevention & Early Intervention: Broadening the Scope.”

This conference will cover the full range of early interventions in mental health, not only for psychotic disorders. We expect to draw on scientists and clinicians from around the world to present innovative and novel ideas on these topics. Themes will include the cutting edge of advances in genetics to improvements in brain imaging, to understanding how psychosocial interventions can prevent mental disorders. This fast-moving field is rapidly increasing our understanding about causes and treatments of mental health problems. The meeting will share such knowledge across different forums, and many constituencies to teach and to learn, including service users, clinicians, educators, family members, and scientists.

Matcheri S Keshavan and Kristen Woodberry, Conference Co-Chairs
In conjunction with Larry J. Seidman, original convenor, who unexpectedly died far too young on September 7, 2017.

With appreciation and gratitude for our
2018 Conference Sponsors:


Broad Institute Logo


Alkermes Logo