Improving Physical Health Assessments and Monitoring in a First Episode Psychosis Service
Poster C99, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Debasis Das1, Anne Ndlovu1, Dolly Sud1; 1Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
Introduction: Improving parity of esteem between physical health and mental health is a national agenda in the UK. A previous study (Das, et al 2014) within the PIER Team (a first episode psychosis service, serving 1 million population) found poor recording of physical health assessments and metabolic monitoring in patients on antipsychotic medication; compliance ranging from 25% to less than 50% in various domains. Recommendations were made for a sustainable solution, including development of a Physical Health Register, led by the Pharmacy department and a nurse-led physical health clinic within PIER team. Aim: To measure quality improvement in physical health assessment and monitoring in first episode through service system development. Methods: Retrospective analysis of data held by the Physical Health Clinic (January to May 2017) and Physical Health Register (January to December 2017) was completed. Results: 115 patients went through the Physical Health Clinic, receiving physical health assessment and metabolic monitoring; this included 12 out of 85 (14.2%) newly accepted psychosis patients, who received physical health assessments and monitoring, as per recommendations. 360 patients were monitored by the Physical Health Register, between January 2017 and December 2017 (PIER caseload was 396 in May 2017), 97% of whom had screening at least once and interventions. Conclusion: Physical Health Register has resulted in an improvement in physical health assessments and monitoring of patients with first episode psychosis. Physical Health Clinic needs to improve its uptake for newly diagnosed psychosis patients. Firming up business processes is likely to aid further improvement.
Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform