A prospective follow-up intervention study of the combined treatment approach “Robin“(standardized treatment manual combined with a smartphone application) for adolescents at high risk for developing a psychotic disorder
Poster B89, Tuesday, October 9, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Traber-Walker Nina1, Gerstenberg Miriam1, Metzler Sibylle1, Führer Yolanda1, Walitza Susanne1, Franscini Maurizia1; 1University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Zurich, Switzerland
Background: The aim of preventing schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders has led researchers to focus on early detection of individuals at risk for psychosis and to treat at-risk symptoms in the pre-psychotic period. While at-risk symptoms for psychotic disorder are common in adolescence and associated with a significant reduction in functioning, the evidence base required to guide effective interventions in this vulnerable age group is limited. “Robin” is a newly developed treatment approach for adolescents at high risk of developing a psychotic disorder combining a standardized manual with a smartphone application combining a standardized manual with a smartphone application. The manual is targeting coping with at-risk symptoms and comorbid symptoms, improvement of quality of life and daily functioning in our specialized outpatient care unit for early intervention in psychosis. The smartphone application targets medication adherence, real-time symptom assessment and provides help in coping with symptoms and stressful situations in daily life. Methods In August 2017, we started a systematic clinical intervention trial for testing the efficacy of the combined treatment approach. One goal is to compare efficacy of a 16-week intervention in 30 patients with at-risk symptoms (age range 13-18) with an active control group (treatment as usual). Participants from a former early recognition study are included for the control condition. Outcome measures are at-risk and comorbid symptoms, functioning, self efficacy, quality of life and treatment satisfaction. Data will be collected at baseline, during the treatment period and at the end of the combined therapy. There will be also follow up assessments 6, 12 and 24 months after baseline. Results At the Conference, we will be able to present baseline data of the first patients in the intervention group. Further, preliminary results will comprise a comparison of baseline data with the control group (62 patients; 40% female, mean-age 15.6) and first follow-up data. We will discuss the results showing (1) intraindividual changes in symptomatology and well-being after 6 months of treatment in the intervention group and (2) differences between the intervention group and the control group. Conclusion Even though young patients with at-risk symptoms may profit best of specialised treatment approaches, there is an on-going lack of investigation about age-appropriate treatment strategies in this vulnerable age group. To our knowledge, this is the first controlled trials to test the efficacy of a specific treatment manual in combination with a smartphone application for minor patients at high risk for psychosis.
Topic Area: Ultra High Risk / Prodromal Research