Social Functioning and Quality of Life and their Disparate Correlates in Early Phase Psychosis
Poster A56, Monday, October 8, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Jenifer L Vohs1,2, Paul H Lysaker1,3, Bethany L Leonhardt1,2, Andrew C Visco1,2, Michael M Francis1,2, Megan M Gaunnac1,2, Alan Breier1,2; 1Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Indianapolis, IN, 2Eskenazi Health, Midtown Community Mental Health Centers, Prevention and Recovery Center for Early Psychosis, Indianapolis, IN, 3Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN
Positive outcomes in early phase psychosis (EPP) are the target of many treatment modalities and defined in a number of disparate ways. Correlates and predictors of positive outcomes have also been measured via numerous methods, sometimes with inconsistent findings. In the present investigation, we examined the relationship of both social functioning (Social Functioning Scale) and quality of life (Quality of Life Scale) with a number of correlates thought to be related to these outcomes: depression, clinical insight, symptoms, neurocognition, and social cognition. Eighteen individuals within five years of psychosis onset were administered a battery of assessments targeting each domain. Increased depression was associated with poorer social functioning (r = -.547, p = .02) and quality of life (r = -.535, p = .02). Poor insight (r = -.523, p = .03) and more symptoms (r = -.703, p = .001) both negatively impacted quality of life, while better neurocognition (r = .585, p = .01) and social cognition (r = .480, p = .04) had a positive impact on quality of life. Although preliminary and more research is indicated, these data may suggest that integrative interventions should target disparate correlates of outcome measures in order to impact both social functioning and quality of life during EPP. Additional data, assessment of specific subscales of outcome measures, and implications of the findings will be presented and discussed.
Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis