Comparison of Tele-Health and Standard Clinic Based Coordinated Specialty Care Early Intervention Programs
Poster C75, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
John Lurkins1, Michael Francis1,2, Jenifer Vohs1,2, Michelle Johnson3, Alan Breier1,2; 1Midtown, Eskenazi Health, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2Depratment of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, 3Park Center, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) is a largely clinic based, early psychosis, recovery-oriented EI treatment program. An alternative to “in clinic” service models is tele-health where clinical care is provided remotely through tele-health platforms. The advantages of this model include reduced costs, bridging geographical distances and increased flexibility for when and where therapeutic sessions occur. The purpose of this presentation is to provide qualitative (lessons learned) and quantitative (comparison to standard clinic based CSC) information about a novel tele-health CSC program. We initiated a standard, largely clinic based CSC program 3 years ago with favorable outcomes achieved : admission-to-endpoint improvements in CGI-Illness severity (F=17.1, p<0.001), MIRECC GAF Symptom (F=28.2, p<0.001), Occupational Function (F=10.4, p=0.001), and Social Function (F=13.1, p<0.001), as well as reductions in hospitalizations (6 months pre-admission: 65.3%, 12-month: 4.5%) and suicide attempts (pre-admission: 4.7%, 12-month: 0%). The tele-health CSC program began in 2017 with a “hub” team (psychiatrist, therapist, team leader, data manger) in Indianapolis, IN and two “spoke” sites (Ft. Wayne, Anderson IN) each with a care coordinator/school-work specialist. The tele-health and clinic based CSC programs employed identical inclusion criteria, assessment instruments, OnTrackNY training, and outcome milestones. The first 10 participants in tele-health CSC vs. the clinic based cohort, respectively, were similar: age (21.7 vs 21.6 years), male (80% vs 77.8%), psychosis duration (54 vs 46 weeks), and previous hospitalization (70% vs. 65%) - but differed on race (Caucasian: 70% vs 56%). Outcome effectiveness comparisons of a larger tele-health sample and the clinic based sample will be presented.
Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform