Mapping the early intervention services in psychosis in Spain: a long road still to travel.
Poster C116, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
benedicto crespo-facorro1,8, Celso Arango2,8, Manuel Cuesta3, Ana Gonzalez-Pinto4,8, Jose Ramón Gutierrez5, Lluis Lalucat6, Julio Sanjuan7,8; 1Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander, 2Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, 3Hospital santiago Apóstol, Vitoria., 4Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Pamplona, 5Complejo hospitalario-universitario de Badajoz, 6Centro Salud Mental LesCorts, Barcelona, 7Hospital Clínico de Valencia, Valencia, 8Cibersam
The development and implementation of early intervention programs/services in mental health, and specifically in psychosis, is a social and healthcare need in Spain. In the last two decades have been local efforts to establish intervention services spread the country, however there is a long road still to be followed. Depicting the current situation of early services/programs across Spain is the first step to bridge to gap. The knowledge of the real situation in the 17 different regions in Spain (Autonomous Communities) will allow establishing and designing - in a sustained manner over the time - the necessary measures for promotion, prevention and improvement of health and social care in early intervention in psychosis. The results and conclusions of the study, both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, include: covered population, the financing, the main barriers, the age of inclusion and duration of the interventions, available resources, referral routes, research and the analysis of the different indicators. The study has taken into account the perception of these programs by scientific societies related to mental health, the vision of patient and family associations as well as the main agents involved in its implementation. The work includes recommendations for the implementation of Early Intervention Programs in Psychosis in Spain
Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform