Development and Implementation of Early Intervention Services in Recent Years: a Scoping Review
Poster C114, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Tin Ngo-Minh1,3,4, Line Leblanc2; 1University McGill, 2Université du Québec en Outaouais, 3CISSSO - Pierre Janet, 4University of Ottawa
Over the last 20 years, the development and implementation of early intervention services (EIS) around the world has followed the natural rule of maturation of innovative ideas of leaders in the field. Several regions in the world will also see the birth of new EIS programs in the coming years, as it is currently the case in the United States and Quebec thanks to new public funding. The absence of structuring research projects, medical leadership, prior exposure of clinicians and the environment to the new EIS paradigm may complicate the process. The purpose of this scoping review is to determine the barriers and enablers to the development and implementation of EIS from the most recent literature. Medline/Pubmed and PsycINFO were searched from 1/1/2012 until December 31/12/2017 using the keywords "development" or "implementation" in addition to keywords related to first episode psychosis programs. The 24 included articles originated from the United States, Europe and Asian countries. Obstacles to development and implementation of EIS could be classified into 3 broad and interrelated categories: 1) Resources (financial, physical infrastructure, staff/caseload); 2) Knowledge / Training of clinicians and the milieu (social stigma, change of medical paradigm), 3) Organization (access to care, public / private health care systems, wait times, etc.). Some obstacles are more specific of certain regions, such as the higher level of mental illness stigma across Asian countries limiting access to care and requiring strategies such as awareness campaigns, redefinition of the word psychosis, etc. Other solutions are proposed.
Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform