Lost in translation: Supporting evidence-informed commissioning of youth mental health services in primary care
Poster C108, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Cassie Redlich1, Craig Hodges1, Craig Hamilton1, Heather Stavely1, Sian Lloyd1, Ruby Callanan1; 1Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health
In Australia, Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are currently responsible for the regional planning and commissioning of a range of primary mental health care services for young people. In recent years, this has expanded to include services for young people experiencing or at risk of experiencing severe mental illnesses including early psychosis, and with complex presentations requiring a greater intensity of service than has traditionally been delivered at the primary care level. Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health has been funded by the Department of Health to provide PHNs with guidance, support and expert advice on planning and commissioning evidence-informed services for this group of young people. But how can the translation of evidence into practice best be supported in a context where evidence for service models is mixed, and where the needs and preferences of stakeholders and young people must also be incorporated in service design? This poster will provide an overview of the evidence for models of service for young people with complex mental health needs, the framework and strategies that Orygen has adopted to support evidence-informed commissioning of services, and the extent to which evidence has informed the service models that are currently operating across the country. The poster will also cover some of the challenges and enablers experienced by commissioners in accessing and using evidence when designing youth mental health service models.
Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform