A brave new world: New approaches to knowledge translation in youth mental health
Poster C124, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Elon Gersh1, Caroline Crlenjak1, Shona Francey1, Brittany Cole1, Bridget O'Bree1, Rosemary Purcell1; 1Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health
A significant gap exists between the latest research evidence and what is occurring in clinical practice in the field of youth mental health. Knowledge translation is about applying scientific knowledge to service settings to provide the best possible care. This presentation will have three sections. Firstly, it will present a review of the latest evidence regarding which interventions and approaches have demonstrated efficacy in knowledge translation in youth mental health. This includes evidence pertaining to interventions including educational workshops, fidelity monitoring, financial incentives and organisational level interventions aimed at cultural change. Secondly, it will present Orygen’s newly developed knowledge translation framework for youth mental health. The approach involves for four phases including defining the issue, assessing the evidence, adapting to the context and planning next steps. This framework can be applied by services that are seeking to better integrate research evidence into their clinical practice. The third part of the presentation will focus on opportunities for knowledge translation that apply in the modern context, including using digital technologies, podcasting and social media platforms. Data will be presented that demonstrate important opportunities that arise from recent changes in patterns of information consumption, and examples will be provided of responses to these changes in the field of knowledge translation.
Topic Area: Translational Research