Evaluation of a Sensory Modulation group in a specialist Community Youth Mental Health Setting.
Poster C38, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Sarah Brett1, Danielle Hitch2, Catherine Spillane1, Kelly Allott3; 1Orygen Youth Health, 2North Western Mental Health, Melbourne Health, 3Orygen, The national centre of excellence in Youth mental health
Sensory modulation is a recovery-orientated intervention designed to support individual self-management of distress. Participants learn to regulate levels of arousal through experience and utilising input from the following sensory modalities; touch, taste, sight, sound, smell, vestibular and proprioception. While sensory modulation is increasingly being used in mental health settings in Australia, little research has been undertaken on this intervention with a youth population in a community mental health setting. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of a structured eight-week sensory modulation group for youth who are in the early stages of mental ill-health. The group aims to promote self-awareness, self-regulation and self-care. A case study design will be adopted utilising mixed methods. Results from qualitative measures and quantitative measures including the Sensory Modulation Self-Rating Tool, Goal Attainment Scale and Sensory Profile will be presented. It is anticipated that participants will have an increased knowledge of sensory modulation, and greater self-awareness of sensory preferences and identified sensory input, which will assist in managing distress and optimising levels of arousal.
Topic Area: Psychosocial Interventions