Individual Characteristics and Service User Feedback of Individuals Attending a New Youth Mental Health Service: CASPAR
Poster C92, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Rachel Yang1, Catriona Clerkin2, Philippa Levy1,2, Candice Jensen1,2, Karen Chown2, Julia Lappin1,2, Jackie Curtis1,2; 1University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, Australia
There is a recognised service gap between primary and specialist mental health services in addressing the needs of youth with moderate severity mental health needs. CASPAR (Comprehensive Assessment Service for Psychosis and At Risk) is a new service which facilitates assessment and short-term intervention in young people (12-25yrs) in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) who are at risk of developing a major mental illness. This study provides a comprehensive descriptive profile of all clients accepted by CASPAR in its first 12 months of operation. Results will include detail of the demographics, symptoms and key psychopathology of clients at both presentation and follow-up. This will determine the extent to which clinical characteristics of clients may have changed over CASPAR’s first year of care, informing the need for modifications to its inclusion criteria and assessment protocols. As feedback is essential at this stage of a new service’s development, a feedback questionnaire offered to a subset of CASPAR clients will determine the acceptability of the service, and clients’ perceptions and experiences of care. It is anticipated that this qualitative appreciation of clients’ experiences will allow the team to tailor its service, leading to the better identification, engagement and treatment of individuals with moderate-to-severe mental health concerns.
Topic Area: Service System Development and Reform