Barriers in implementation a manualized family intervention in a specialized first episode psychosis treatment program
Poster C31, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Ulrik Helt Haahr1, Jens Einar Jansen2, Anne Marie Trauelsen3, Hanne-Grethe Lyse Nielsen4, Marlene Buch Pedersen4, Lise Bachmann Østergaard5, Erik Simonsen1,6; 1Psychiatry Region Zealand, 2Mental Health Center Copenhagen, Capital Region, 3Mental Health Center Amager, Capital Region, 4Psychiatry East Region Zealand, 5Mental Health Services Region Zealand, 6University of Copenhagen
Background: The evidence for manualized psychoeducative family intervention (MFI) in first episode psychosis (FEP) is well-established. Risk of relapse is diminished. Caregivers report satisfaction with treatment and less burden. In spite of this, data have shown that less than half of the families receive MFI. Aim: To identify barriers in the implementation and acceptance of manualized family interventions for FEP. Design: Participants included in an early-psychosis service (OPUS) with an ICD-10 diagnosis of F20-F29 (excl. F21), aged 18-35 years, in Psychiatry Region Zealand, Denmark. Inclusion period 1.4.2011 – 31.3.2013. All patients and their relatives are offered MFI, such as multi-family groups or single-family intervention. Reasons for not attending MFI were assessed at 3-year follow-up. Preliminary results: Seventy-two out of 130 patients (55 %) were assessed at follow-up. There were no significant differences between included or not-included patients in follow-up on gender, age or baseline psychopathology at baseline, except for drug abuse, which was significantly higher for the not-included. Fifty-seven percent of the included accepted participating in an MFI. Of those not participating in an MFI, two patients refused to include their relatives in the treatment. Twenty-seven percent had bad compliance or short OPUS treatment. Twenty-eight percent received need-based family intervention. Only 21 % could be attributed to factors in the organization of care (e.g. lack of resources). Conclusion: Although only around half of the participants receive MFI, most of them receive family intervention of some kind. Future studies should focus on need-adapted family interventions and improving treatment compliance.
Topic Area: Psychosocial Interventions