Mediating role of resilience and cognitive biases in the relationship between childhood trauma and psychotic-like experiences in the general population.
Poster B67, Tuesday, October 9, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Łukasz Gawęda1, Dagmara Mętel2, Aleksandra Arciszewska2, Artur Daren2, Barnaby Nelson3, Dorota Frydecka4, Andrzej Cechnicki2; 1II Department of Psychiatry, The Medical University of Warsaw, 2Department of Community Psychiatry, Chair of Psychiatry, Medical College, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland., 3Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia; Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia., 4Department of Psychiatry, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland.
Introduction: Although the relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and psychotic-like experiences is well established the mechanisms of the relationship is poorly understood. We aimed to investigate a mediating role of dysfunctional information processing and resilience factor. Methods: A total of 2614 (1673 females; mean age 26.37, SD=4.71) individuals in the general population (psychotic disorders were excluded) were assessed with self-report scales that measure traumatic life events (The childhood experience of care and abuse questionnaire), psychotic-like experiences (Prodromal Questionnaire), resilience (The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale), cognitive biases (Davos Assesment of Cognitive Biases Scale) and symptoms of depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale - CES-D). We proposed an explanatory model of the relationship between trauma and psychotic-like experiences that takes resilience into account. Our model was tested with mediation analysis. Results: The direct effect of childhood trauma on psychotic-like experience (β=0.33, R2 = 11%, p<0.001) was significantly reduced after resilience, history of depression and cognitive biases were included (β=0.16, R2 = 33%, p<0.001). Discussion: Dysfunctional cognition as well as limited resilience capacities may be mechanisms of the relationship between early life adversities and the risk of psychosis. Further longitudinal studies are required to establish causal relations.
Topic Area: Trauma