Examining Feasibility of Using mHealth Technology to Enhance Cognitive Function of Patients at Clinical Risk for Psychosis
Poster B28, Tuesday, October 9, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Huijun Li1, Hongmei Chi1, William Stone2, Lihua Xu3, Yuchen Zheng3, Tianhong Zhang3; 1Florida A & M University, 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 3Shanghai Mental Health Center
Introduction: Psychiatric interventions demonstrate some effectiveness in reducing subclinical psychotic symptoms among individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis, but cognitive skills remain impaired and predict conversion to psychosis. Therefore, an innovative and engaging strategy is critically needed to enhance their cognitive functioning, therefore, improving prognosis. This on-going study in Shanghai Mental Health Center aims to examine the feasibility of a mobile app. to facilitate cognitive improvement of such individuals. Methods: This NIMH-funded collaboration between researchers from the United States and China ascertains CHR individuals at Shanghai Mental Health Center. Forty participants will use the app—SMART(the Specific Memory Attention Resource and Training ), which has gamification features, for 3 months. At baseline and 3-month follow-ups, all subjects will complete questionnaires to measure the feasibility and engagement of the SMART app. In addition, 1:1 in-depth interviews will be conducted at the two time points to cross-validate the findings obtained from the questionnaires. Results: Both quantitative and qualitative analyses will be used to extract user attitude about the feasibility of using such an app. Results generated will inform the design and implementation of such apps not only for CHR individuals but possibly for patients with other mental health challenges. Discussion: Mobile health (mHealth) applications with gamification features may offer novel opportunities for providing individuals with CHR targeted cognitive intervention and personalized support critical to improved functional outcomes. Therefore, it is critical to understand their needs and attitude towards using technologies as part of the intervention effort.
Topic Area: Neurocognition