Social Cognition in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis
Poster B93, Tuesday, October 9, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Mohammed K Shakeel1, Lu Liu1, Tyrone D Cannon2, Kristin S Cadenhead3, Barbara A Cornblatt4, Thomas H McGlashan2, Diana O Perkins5, Larry J Seidman6, Scott W Woods2, Elaine F Walker7, Daniel Mathalon8, Jean Addington1; 1University of Calgary, 2Yale University, 3University of California at San Diego, 4Zucker Hillside Hospital, 5University of North Carolina, 6Harvard Medical School, 7Emory University, 8University of California at San Francisco
In longitudinal studies of those at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR) outcome can be classified as remission of symptoms, symptomatic, still meeting prodromal criteria and transition to psychosis. Social cognition was examined in those who completed 2-years in the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS2). The sample included in remission (n=72), symptomatic (n=57), prodromal progression (n=42), or psychotic (n=46) participants. Social cognition was assessed with The Awareness of Social Inference Test (TASIT; theory of mind), Penn Emotion Recognition (ERT) and Differentiation tasks (EDT) (facial emotion perception), and Relationship Across Domains (RAD; social perception). CHR groups did not differ on baseline social cognition [Pillai’s Trace=.044, F(12,972)=1.20, p=.28, partial ƞ2=.015]. To analyze group differences on change in social cognition, a variable for change between baseline and 24-months was used. MANOVA showed no significant effect for group on change in social cognition [Pillai’s Trace=.083, F(12,576)=1.36, p=.18, partial ƞ2=.028]. Mixed ANOVAs assessed group differences on social cognition over time (baseline and 24-months). There were no significant group x time interactions. However, there was a significant effect for group [F(3,225)=6.71, p<.001, partial ƞ2=.082] on TASIT, and significant effect for time on TASIT [F(1,225)=61.15, p<.001, partial ƞ2=.21], RAD [F(1,220)=21.63, p<.001, partial ƞ2=.090] and ERT [F(1,213)=20.49, p<.001, partial ƞ2=.088]. CHR groups did not differ on social cognition at baseline. The groups showed improvement on social cognition over time, but there were no group differences on change at 24 months, suggesting that CHR groups do not differ on change in social cognitive functioning over time.
Topic Area: Ultra High Risk / Prodromal Research