Implementing Evidence Based Care for FEP: Benchmarking Components of Coordinated Specialty Care Against RCT's
Poster A96, Monday, October 8, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Scott M Curran1, Melissa Dalhoe1, Piper Meyer-Kalos1; 1University Of Minnesota
Background: The Recovery After Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE) study was a landmark study that led to the creation of first episode psychosis programs across the US. Every state in the country received funding to implement coordinated specialty care programs, yet little is known about how these programs are faring. This poster provides general comparisons related to patient characteristics and service utilization across two teams, benchmarking against RCT’s. Methods: Data came from review of 30 Navigate patients between March 2017-February 2018. Data was gleaned from review of medical charts, demographic forms, patient self-report, and team member interviews. Participants ranged from 16-33, with a schizophrenia spectrum or unspecified psychosis diagnosis. Of the 30 patients, 26 were male, while 5 were female. Results: Hospitalization and commitment rates were low, while support needs were high. 100% of engaged patients resided with family, and over 75% needed ongoing transportation support to get to treatment, and other activities. Over 50% of patients needed case management services (whether they had an assigned CM or not), and over 65% had other outside professional involvement. Further, results indicate high rates of appointment cancellation, yet high rates of sustained engagement across program components. Engaged patients articulated high rates of goal interest in the areas of school and work (86%), and demonstrated an 88% success rate in achieving one or more of their overall treatment goals. This data supports findings from RAISE that comprehensive care for first-episode psychosis can be implemented in U.S. community clinics with comparable results and fidelity.
Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis