A success story - living with comorbid conditions.
Poster A4, Monday, October 8, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
TORRI Shack1; 1Tangible Movement - Non Profit
I've struggled with depression and addiction since I was 14 years old. I have attempted suicide multiple times in my life, as an adolescent and as an adult. I have spent years battling a horrible eating disorder and gender identity issues At one point I was homeless living out of my car as a result of my depression and addiction. These last few years I’ve worked hard to put my life back together. My career in the health and wellness field has given me purpose. My purpose is to share my experience, strength and hope to help other individuals who may be struggling with the same issues. It’s time for me to pay forward the gift of life that has so freely been given back to me. It’s my goal to expand my scope and take my efforts worldwide to end the stigma associated with mental illness.
Topic Area: Comorbid Conditions