y-QUIT? A tobacco cessation program for youth with psychosis
Poster A125, Monday, October 8, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Jackie Curtis1,2, Esther Pavel-Wood2, Rachel Morell1,2, Bernadette McGuigan2, Charry Zhang1, Julia Lappin1,2, Andrew Watkins2,3; 1University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, Australia, 3Faculty of Health, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Smoking is a major contributor to the gap in life expectancy of 15-20 years between people experiencing severe mental illness and the general population. Young people with psychosis are five times more likely to smoke (59%) than their peers. Local target group consultation indicated 65% of young consumers who smoked were interested in quitting. Currently no smoking cessation programs in Australia address the specific needs of young people with psychosis. Methods: Prevalence of smoking was assessed across community-based youth mental health services in a catchment area in Sydney. Among young consumers (aged 14-25 years), identified smokers were offered a 12-week tailored smoking cessation intervention program “y-QUIT” that incorporated nicotine replacement therapy, motivational interviewing and behavioural change techniques. Outcomes assessed included: attitude, confidence, smoking history, carbon monoxide (CO), weight, waist circumference, sleep, and physical activity. Results: In young consumers accessing FEP services (n=101) 58% identified as smokers. All consumers were offered a brief or full smoking cessation intervention. Preliminary findings indicate young consumers are able to reduce their nicotine dependence level and CO levels with the support of comprehensive cessation services. Conclusion: The very high rates of smoking in this population, and the failure of public health measures for the general population to have any significant impact on smoking levels for young people with mental illness, mandates new approaches. The y-QUIT program offers a tailored smoking cessation intervention strategy targeting young people with psychosis and is embedded in the Keeping the Body in Mind lifestyle intervention program for psychosis.
Topic Area: Substance Use