Creating innovative solutions for first episode psychosis treatment: Developing strategies to enhance family member engagement in treatment
Poster A45, Monday, October 8, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
Piper Meyer-Kalos1, Carissa Coudray1, Jillian Wright-Martin1, Shirley Glynn2, Susan Gingerich3; 1University of Minnesota, Minnesota Center for Chemical and Mental Health, School of Social Work, 2Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Brain Behavior, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 3Independent consultant and trainer, Narberth, PA
Purpose: Since the release of the Recovery After Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE)-ETP results in 2015, the US has appropriated funds to develop first episode psychosis programs in every state. This poster describes results from a survey of one of the CSC program models, NAVIGATE, which was evaluated positively in the RAISE initiative. The aims of the survey were 1) to describe the characteristics of NAVIGATE teams in the US and 2) to understand how programs are engaging family members in treatment. Methods: This survey will assess the implementation of NAVIGATE programs in the US and evaluate the common barriers to the engagement of family members in treatment. Program data collected includes information about the location of the program, program enrollment criteria, number of and participants screened and enrolled. In addition, program directors are asked questions to describe barriers to engaging family members in treatment and strategies they used to overcome those barriers. Results: Forty-one NAVIGATE programs have been identified and contacted. Of the 28 programs that have responded, 18 were in urban areas, 6 were in suburban areas, and 4 were in rural areas. Reports of family engagement at the sites ranged from 69% in suburban locations to 44% in urban locations, and 18% in rural locations. Common themes will be ascertained, including barriers and facilitators to engaging family members in treatment. Conclusions: Results from this survey will provide an overview of the dissemination of the NAVIGATE program. Recommendations could inform the engagement of family members in treatment.
Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis