Gender differences in First Episode Psychosis Patients
Poster A36, Monday, October 8, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
José Salgado1,2, Tomás Teodoro1,2,3, Marina Martins1, Sara Garcia1, Rita Mateiro1, Inês Pinto1, Maria João Avelino1; 1CHPL - Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa - Clínica 1, 2NOVA Medical School - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 3CEDOC - Chronic Diseases Research Centre
The clinical heterogeneity of psychotic disorders is well established in literature. Gender differences in schizophrenia and first episode psychosis have been the subject of several studies but further understanding of such differences could be an important contribution to an increasingly personalized approach to patients especially in the earlier stages of psychotic disorders. The goal of this study is to characterize gender differences in a group of inpatients admitted to a First Episode Psychosis Unit. 71 patients admitted to our unit between 2016 and 2017 were included in this study (41 males; 29 females). Sociodemographic data, duration of untreated psychosis, substance use, duration of admission, family history and other clinical data were collected from records. There was a statistically significant gender difference in average age (Male average age 26,63; Max. 51; Min. 14; SD 9/Female average age 40,52; Max. 72; Min. 20; SD 15; p<0.001); marital status (Single males 78%/Single females 41%; p=0,04); tobacco use (Males 61%/Females 10%; p < 0.001); cannabis use (Males 76%/Females 21%; p < 0.001); cocaine use (Males 20%/Females 3%; p = 0.04). In the remaining variables there weren’t statistically significant differences between genders. Olanzapine and risperidone were the most frequently selected oral antipsychotic drugs as initial treatment in both genders. Our results are consistent with some of the available data from other studies although significant differences were noted. Further studies exploring differences between clinical profiles of first episode psychosis patients are important to improve the care provided to these patients.
Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis