LAMP: Learn, Assess, Manage, Prevent - A Smartphone App Designed for Schizophrenia Care
Poster C120, Wednesday, October 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Essex Ballroom
John Torous1, Matcheri Keshavan1; 1Dept of Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
Smartphones offer the potential of accessible, affordable, and accurate screening for diseases like depression and schizophrenia. Designed with those with lived experience, we sought to create an app for multimodal data collection. In conjunction with the Beiwe app from Dr. JP Onnela at the Harvard School of Public Health - we collect patient self reported outcomes via phone surveys, cognitive status via interactive games, physiological biomarkers including galvanic skin conductance and heart rate variability, social markers including aynonymized call and text message phone logs, and geo-location data and physical activity derived from the phone. This real time smartphone based platform is called LAMP (Learn, Assess, Manage, Prevent) and offers the ability to remotely monitor patients and gain novel clinical insights. We are currently assessing LAMP in a pilot clinical study and hope to present those results in the IEPA poster session. We will also offer a live demonstration of the LAMP app at the poster session.
Topic Area: Translational Research