Important information
- Each symposium must be submitted under one subject to ensure cohesive presentations
- Time slot will be 1 hour 30 mins
- Each symposium will have a chair, a co-chair is optional (Chairs can be presenters)
- Maximum number of presenters is 4 with each presentation being approximately 15 mins with 5 mins for discussion
- A symposium overview (1,700 characters including spaces) has to be submitted alongside the abstracts of the individual symposium presentations.
- All abstracts are limited to 1,700 characters (including spaces)
- Abstracts must be new and may not have been previously presented.
- Titles are limited to 150 characters (including spaces)
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- Presentation abstracts must be divided into the following topics: aims, methods, results and conclusions.
- All speakers are required to register for the meeting by 1st June 2020 in order to have the symposium included in the final program and listed in the Abstract Book.
Detailed Information
- Symposia should deal with early intervention topics in mental health and reflect the overarching theme of the conference: ‘New Frontiers in Early Intervention’.
- Symposia can be organized along the lines of content or methodology in the primary and secondary themes provided. Individual abstracts should include the aims, methods, results and conclusions for each topic.
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- Submitted abstracts should include non-published data. Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted.
- Figures and graphics will not be accepted at this point, so you must include only the abstract itself.
- Your abstract is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation e-mail after clicking the final submit button. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please check your spam mailbox and contact us.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. Conference website, programs, other promotions, etc.)
- All communications will be sent to the email used to submit the abstract.
- All abstracts must be submitted via the on-line system. Abstracts sent by email WILL NOT be accepted.
List of themes
Overarching Theme: New Frontiers in Early Intervention
Primary Themes:
- Basic Neuroscience
- Diagnosis and Phenomenology
- Electrophysiology
- Epidemiology
- Ethical Issues
- Genetics
- Neurocognition
- Neuroimaging
- Psychopharmacology
- Psychosocial Interventions
- Public Policy
- Service System Development and Reform
- Stress Responsivity
- Substance Use
- Translational Research
Secondary Themes:
- Anxiety Disorders
- Comorbid Conditions
- Eating Disorders
- First Episode Psychosis
- Mood Disorders
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Psychosis NOS
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorders
- Transdiagnostic Approaches
- Trauma
- Ultra High Risk/Prodromal Research
- Other
Submission Instructions
- All submissions must be written in English and in final form and ready for publication in the Abstract Book.
- Your submission will NOT be reviewed for typos or other errors.
- Check your work carefully as no changes will be allowed after the submission deadline.
- Title
- Do not enter the title in all capital or all lowercase letters.
Title case is the preferred format.
- Do not enter the title in all capital or all lowercase letters.
- Abstract
- The abstract must be a single paragraph not exceeding 1,700 characters.
- Multiple paragraphs will be merged into a single paragraph.
- Line breaks, tabs and multiple spaces will be replaced with single space.
- Formatting, such as italic and bold, is not supported.
- Abstracts must be new and may not have been previously presented.
- Authors
- The first author will be listed in the published program as the speaker.
- Middle name or initials should be entered in the First Name field.
- Do not enter names in all capital or all lowercase letters.
- For affiliation numbers, enter the appropriate number, or numbers, next to each speaker to indicate which schools or universities the author is affiliated with.
- When entering affiliation numbers, use the format 1,2,3 with no spaces.
- Affiliations
- Enter each school or university name only once, then associate affiliations with a speaker using the Affiliation numbers box.
- Do not enter addresses or department names; they will be removed.
- Do not enter affiliations in all capital or all lowercase letters.
- Authors and affiliations will be published in this format:
Joe Smith1, Jane Jones1,2; 1Stanford University, 2UCLA
Presentation Format
- The recommended format for presentation is an introduction of the symposium by the chair, followed by four individual presentations with Q&A. Discussion time can be scheduled according to the organizers’ discretion (e.g., after individual presentations, concentrated at the end of a session, or a mixture of the two approaches.
- Symposia sessions are 90 minutes. Symposia benefit from a diversity of perspectives and institutional affiliations. Proposals from young investigators are encouraged.
- The symposium organizer is listed as the chair of the symposium; additional co-chair and/or discussant is considered optional. All speakers are required to register for the meeting by 1st June 2020 in order to have the symposium listed in the printed program.
Multiple Submissions
- Submitting a symposium proposal and/or speaking in a symposium does not prevent you from submitting an abstract for an oral presentation or poster presentation, however IEPA will not allow any encore presentations at the meeting. Chairpersons must ensure that all speakers are committed to participating in the symposium before submitting a proposal. If a symposium presentation has more than one author, it should be presented by the first author.
Abstract Review Process
- Proposals will be evaluated by the IEPA 12 Scientific Committee using a variety of criteria including scientific merit, timeliness, theoretical innovation and breadth, methodological innovation, lack of overlap with the regular program, and diversity of the speakers.
- Individual authors whose abstract was not accepted as part of a symposium session may re-submit their abstract as an oral or poster presentation. The last day to submit symposia abstracts for presentation at the meeting is 14th February 2020.
Contact Info
T: +55 (21) 3174-4609
C: +55 (21) 97234-8372