Report of the experience of the first year's activity of a team dedicated to precocious treatments in young people
Alessandra Tauriello1,3,9,7, Pietro Ciliberti, Paolo Severino; 1Department of Mental Healt and Substance Abuse ASL3 Genoa
We are aware that the prevention, early evaluation and treatment of distress and mental disorders in children should be one of the fundamental duties of local authorities and mental health departments, and the growing importance that this problem is taking on in our country, both for the preventive value of these interventions in respect of psychological distress and mental illness in adolescence and then adulthood. The authors report their first year of activity experience in a multidisciplinary team created within a territorial task force of A.S.L 3 “Genovese” Mental Health Department, dedicated to Young people's (under 25 years) mental desorders, early intervention and treatment. The creation of a team dedicated to this kind of users with the purpose to facilitate the access by realizing and defining more effective strategies of treatment, has determined a progressive and remarkable increase of demand for care. The idea of the team is conceived as “place of the mind” where young people’s pain is hold, contained, thought, took on, in its many aspects. Then, in this report, the authors will analyze the kind of pathologies treated (often indicative of an intense psychic suffering exposed to a potential evolution in a more structured psychiatric pathology), the modality of treating, the type of psychiatric intervention (besides pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy: counseling; intervention on familiar conflicts, almost presents in these kind of situation, and almost read as dramatization of kids‘ internal conflicts; projects based on collaboration with school and study support; Specifics Rehabilitation activities planned according to the age and the type of users, etc.) and their efficacy, and, finally the critical points observed since the experience beginning.
Topic Area: First Episode Psychosis