Which clinical variables of mental health professionals can influence the treatment adherence of patients?
Ana Margarida Cardosa1, Mitchel Byrne2, Miguel Xavier1; 1Department of Mental Health and CEDOC, Nova Medical School, New University of Lisbon (UNL),, 2Department Psychology, University of Wollongong, Australia
The therapeutic alliance might be the most important part of beginning clinical relationship and may have an important impact in treatment adherence in psychosis. In fact, many studies indicate that the therapeutic alliance is the best predictor of treatment outcome. In this cross sectional study we use a convenience sample of MHP working in the mental health departments of three general hospitals in Lisbon great area.Data is being collected through individual interviews. We used a optimism scale (ETOS), Medication Alliance Beliefs Questionnaire (MABQ), and socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire. A convenience sample composed of 65 MHP working in a variety of settings is being collected. Only 50% of the professionals participated in the study. The average values of optimism found in MHP with additional training in interpersonal and communication skills it was higher (t test=1,64; ANOVA=4.30;0=0.02). The most of MHP sample (81.5%; n=53) had no training in interpersonal and communication skills. Skills training should be an ongoing process and this study aims to demonstrate this need among MHP.This topic, along with a detailed examination of the relationship between therapeutic alliance and treatment adherence, will be the subject of future research projects.
Topic Area: Psychosis NOS